This website offers General Advice only and does not consider your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. Before you purchase a product, it is important to read the relevant Product Disclosure Statements (PDS) relating to each Insurer to consider if the product is appropriate for you. Find Wealth Pty Limited trading as Find Insurance, ClearView Financial Advice Pty Limited (the authorising licensee AFSL 331367) or any related companies will not be held responsible for the merits of this advice to your circumstances. Learn more with the Find Wealth Pty Limited Financial Services GuideTerms of usePrivacy Policy and guide to its participating insurers.

When replacing your existing cover, it is always best to review the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), as Lifebroker may not be fully aware of the insurance benefits that you would like to maintain for the future.  The PDS will help you understand if an alternate insurance policy is suited to your circumstances and needs.

Find Insurance is trading under Find Wealth Pty Limited ABN 97 150 070 483 which is part of the Find Group of companies, which includes Find Accountant Pty Limited, Find Pty Limited and Find Mortgages Pty Limited.

For further information, please read the Find Wealth Pty Limited Financial Services Guide (FSG)