Get it right for the first time.  No additional fees. You will only speak to an Aussie if you need help.  

At Find Insurance, we want to help you get the Personal Insurance (Life, Trauma, Income Protection and Life cover) that is right for you.

Our Mission

To help more Australians obtain Personal Insurance cover that they can afford and look after you when you need it most at claim time.

It is as easy as one-two-three. 

We have made it as easy as possible for you to obtain your personal insurance by following these steps:1. Learn about the different types of Personal Insurances that are available to you (LEARN).2. An Australian advisor over the phone will help you calculate how much Personal Insurance you and your family require.  Our calculator will provide an easy way for you to work out and understand how much insurance you should have.  You won’t need to go anywhere else to work it out (CALCULATE).3. When you request a quote you will be able to choose additional options.  You can find information about the additional options available to you by referring to the Glossary, reading the available Product Disclosure Documents (PDS) from each of the insurers or calling us to discuss.  We will take the time to explain the additional options to you in a way that you can understand (QUOTE). 4. We will send you an indicative quote comparing the different insurers on our panel.  Once you receive this quote all you need to do is decide whether or not you can afford the cover you have selected.  If you are happy with the cost then simply sign the engagement letter to proceed.

5. After we receive your signed permission to proceed, we will prepare a Statement of Advice that simply goes into more detail about the insurer you have selected and why we consider the insurer the most appropriate one for you.6. We will then email you the Application form and any other documentation that you will need to sign.  Once the application is returned to us we will submit this on your behalf to the insurer (APPLICATION).7. The insurer will assess your application and if all is approved they will provide you with cover.   If the insurer requires further information regarding your personal history e.g. medical history, they will either call you to discuss or we will request further information from you via email.8. When everything is approved you will be notified in writing and receive a welcome email from us.

We will continue to look after you. 

After you have received your insurances we will continue to look after.Each year, we will send you an email or text to remind you that your policy is due for renewal.Once a year we will email you a report outlining what cover you have and to see if there is anything else we can help you with.At claim time, we will be hear to help you through that difficult period in your life.We are not like the other companies who simply want to sell you some insurances.  You become a client of Find Insurance.  That means a lot to us.  As such, we will aim to provide the ‘care factor’ each year and to remind you that we are always here for you. 

How we make money? 

It is simple.  The insurers pay Find Insurance and the referral partner (if applicable) an upfront and ongoing commission.  That means you are not having to pay us anything to us directly.  All you have to do is pay your annual or monthly premiums to the insurer and nothing more.​At claim time, some insurers offer a Financial Planning Benefit so that you can get advice in relation to the money you are going to receive.  If you make a claim and a Financial Planning Benefit is available to you, we will contact you to discuss how one of our financial planners can assist you at this time.