Wondering how much Personal Insurance cover is required?

Simply book an appointment today with one of our financial advisors who will help you calculate how much personal insurance you require.  He will take you through the Needs Analysis form which will identify how much Income Protection, Life Insurance (sometimes called Death cover), Trauma cover (sometimes

DISCLAIMER: This tool is intended to provide broad guidance on the level of insurance cover required to meet debt obligations and replace a portion of income in the event of death, TPD (total and permanent disablement), trauma or temporary disablement. The calculated cover is not a recommendation and is not intended to be an exact figure. It does not take all of your needs into account and does not constitute financial advice. Separate advice should be sought regarding the need for any other insurance such as Private Health Insurance and/or General Insurance. All figures are gross of tax. No allowance is made for your particular tax circumstances or for the taxation of insurance benefits, either inside or outside superannuation. Generally, Death, TPD and trauma insurance benefits will be taxed at a lower rate than the income they are replacing. Please seek separate tax advice in relation to insurance benefits. No allowance has been made for any social security benefits to which you may be or become entitled. No assessment is carried out as to the availability of cover. Cover may not be available to some customers either for health reasons or due to their occupation. You should consider obtaining advice from a licensed financial adviser before making any decision. You should reassess your insurance needs regularly as your circumstances may change. Also, while the assumptions underlying this calculator are considered reasonable at the present time, these assumptions may be reviewed in future.